My Golden Bachelor

Maria Lauren and her Golden Bachelor get married in Hawaii.
This year, we shared our second Honeymoon visiting the Greek islands. 
Maria Lauren and her Golden Bachelor enjoy their second Honeymoon touring the Greek Islands.
Peaceful gratitude warms my heart full of love as I look forward to many more Honeymoons!

A note from my Love…


“Never give up. Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and serve the Lord. Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying.”

– Romans 12: 11-12

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New Study: Exercise and Covid-19

Now, more than ever, I feel the need to campaign for the value of exercise, as there is a new study that suggests that exercise protects against severe COVID-19 infection.

new study involving over 50,000 participants was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, found that those who had exercised the most leading up to contracting SARS-CoV-2 were least likely to be hospitalized or die from the infection

The study looked at records from patients in the Kaiser healthcare system in California, in part because Kaiser doctor’s protocol is to ask patients questions about how much they have exercised recently during each visit. 

The researchers then stratified the subjects into groups based on the amount of time they had exercised in the past week (defined as equivalent to or greater in intensity than a “brisk walk”):

  • Least active: 10 minutes or less
  • Most active: 150 minutes or more
  • Moderately active: in between least and most

The findings were striking. Those in the least active group were 250% more likely to die than those in the most active group and 30 percent more likely to die than those in the moderately active group

In conclusion, exercise about 30 minutes a day for your better immune system in combatting COVID-19.

Being in healthcare at this time requires lots of energy adapting to a constant changing atmosphere.

I am proud to be on-staff at Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Healthy Living, where we give our patients health education and the tools to have better well-being.

At this time, I am leading their safe and therapeutic virtual fitness classes, teaching Dance, Tai Chi, Yoga, and Pilates, in designated areas in Southern California.

We are committed to engage our members at Kaiser Permanente to be healthy, and fit.

Patients are also encouraged to take other steps to improve their overall health and immune function—along with interventions like taking Vitamin D, social distancing, and vaccines.

I am also grateful that my company, Renew Your Power, continues to bring wellness, through specialized exercises, to corporations so that their lunch break can be a stress break.

At this time, we continue to wear masks and keep safety measures in-tact.

There have been so many changes in the past year. Personally, I continue trying to keep hope alive moving forward in this ever wavering reality.

“Hope has the power to inspire, to give you the strength to hang-on and to believe in the possibilities that exist in a better future.” – Pastor Brad Scot Johnson

Yours in hope,

Maria Lauren, (MariaElena Alberici)

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Your Powerful Life blog is produced in my own time and solely reflects my personal opinions. Statements on this site do not represent the views or policies of my employer, past or present, or any other organization with which I may be affiliated.